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Cooling and energy efficiency in building design

Thermometer showing very high temperature

Cooling and energy efficiency in building design

Rising temperatures are driving greater cooling and energy efficiency demands in buildings.
Editorial Team

In the face of record-breaking global temperatures, the nexus of building energy efficiency and cooling technologies is pivotal. Balancing indoor comfort and reduced environmental impact in the face of rising cooling demands necessitates innovative solutions. Integrated building design, leveraging passive cooling strategies, and incorporating renewable energy sources can optimise energy-efficient cooling.

Challenges like retrofitting existing structures and changing user behaviours require inventive approaches, including smart HVAC systems and occupant engagement. Government regulations and global initiatives align with the urgency to transition to sustainable cooling practices. The key lies in collaborative efforts to achieve Net Zero goals, fostering a climate-resilient built environment.

Fabian Dejtiar
Original source:
Building Renovation
Nearly zero-energy buildings
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling
Indoor Environmental Quality