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Infographic - Zero emissions buildings can be even more sustainable

Pan European

Infographic - Zero emissions buildings can be even more sustainable

Editorial Team
In this infographic you can learn more about how to apply circular principles in construction, some EU policy instruments for more sustainable buildings and the Level(s) platform, an assessment and reporting tool for sustainability performance of buildings, firmly based on circularity.

To reduce the carbon footprint in buildings the traditional approach is focused on reducing the operational energy consumptions.


Before the buildings become operational a relevant amount of CO2 is produced during the manufacturing of materials, their transportation and the construction processes.


At the building end-of-life CO2 emissions are produced demolishing the buildings, transporting and recycling the wastes.


Thanks to advances in reducing operational carbon, embodied carbon is becoming a larger portion of a building's overall carbon footprint.



BUILD UP has also produced an overview exploring in more depth the circularity and low-carbon building materials in construction. Check it here!

Eurac Research / Other sources: Euopean Commission