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ARISE project

Project webpage
Horizon 2020
Projects in Denmark
  • Build Up Skills Denmark Pillar 1 is the Danish contribution to an EU project currently carried out across the 27 EU countries and Norway, Switzerland, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The project is part of the Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) program, which supports energy optimisation and the use of renewable energy. The EU finances 90% of the Build Up Skills project. The project period was 18 months from November 15, 2011, to May 14, 2013.

    The overall goal of the project was to map current education programme offers that target craftsmen in the construction sector and subsequently to develop a national roadmap for skills upgrading so that this target group can contribute to meeting the Danish 2020 goals for energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.

    A consortium of the Danish Energy Agency (coordinator), Danish Technological Institute (project manager), the Danish Building Research Institute, and KommunikationsKompagniet A/S carried out the Danish Build Up Skills Pillar 1 project.

    The project was supported by a steering committee composed of representatives from Dansk Byggeri (The Danish Construction Association), Dansk Industri (Confederation of Danish Industry), BAT Kartellet (a professional syndicate for seven members of the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions), Byggeriets Uddannelser (the Danish education and training board of building and construction), and Dansk Håndværk & Industri (DS Trade and Industry). In addition, a stakeholder group of relevant stakeholders in the construction and education sectors provided sparring and consultancy for the consortium.

    The end results are a Status Quo Report and a National Roadmap report. The Status Quo Report givea a status of the size of the heated building stock and its energy consumption for heating, It also provides an overview of the Danish goals and obligations for energy and CO2 savings and an overview of the current upper secondary vocational education programs and adult continuing education and training related to energy efficiency.

    The National Roadmap presents a plan to overcome barriers and competence gaps in the construction sector in order to be able to contribute to the both Danish and the EU goals for reducing the energy consumption and for increasing the use of renewable energy the building stock. The final report presents nine recommendations and 26 recommend initiatives.

    The roadmap was prepared through close collaboration between the consortium and the steering committee, and with on-going contributions from the stakeholder group. The contents of the roadmap are thus rooted in the Danish construction industry, which is a precondition for subsequent implementation.

    For stakeholders who would like to apply for funding through Build Up Skills Pillar 2, the roadmap must form the platform for their application. I.e. the initiatives that they would like to get funded should support the overall recommendations in the roadmap.

    Both the Status Quo and the National Roadmap reports and further information can be downloaded below. Furthermore, a Danish website can be found at