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Assessing indoor air quality and thermal comfort in schools: new comparative study

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Assessing indoor air quality and thermal comfort in schools: new comparative study

A closer look at IAQ and comfort standards in schools thanks to a new study published on Journal of Building Engineering
Editorial Team

A recent study conducted by researchers from Eurac Research compared indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort standards for school buildings highlights the challenges faced in ensuring healthy and comfortable learning environments. The study, titled "Comparison of indoor air quality and thermal comfort standards and variations in exceedance for school buildings," has been published in the Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 71, 15 July 2023.

School buildings often suffer from inadequate IAQ and thermal comfort due to age or energy-efficiency-focused designs, leaving students vulnerable. By analyzing data from schools in northern Italy, the researchers evaluated different standards, including EN16798, BB101, and ASHRAE 55 and 62.1. They found inconsistencies within the same standard and give suggestion to correct this issue.

Regarding thermal comfort, the study recommends using upper- and lower-bounded operative temperature scales for classrooms. This approach provides a suitable means to design and verify comfort. The researchers also noted the absence of adaptable calculations tailored to children in current standards. To address IAQ, the study proposes implementing metrics that establish upper limits for a specified duration to prevent the accumulation of indoor pollutants.

One significant finding is the lack of a combined IAQ and thermal comfort analysis in existing standards: incorporating such an analysis would enable more informed decisions. 

Read the study.


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